14-year-old accused of pointing a gun at a man’s head during carjacking attempt ordered detained, determined a threat to community

The teen had been listed as a runaway who allegedly stole a family vehicle.

SAN ANTONIO — The 14-year-old boy accused of a violent armed carjacking made his first court appearance Thursday.

While his mom told the judge he’s a good kid, the father said he should remain locked up to learn a lesson.

The slight framed teen was soft spoken during his appearance before Judge Cruz Shaw.

A probation representative told the court the teen has had a troubled week.

“He’s been on runaway status since September 12th when he left the home and allegedly took their vehicle,” the officer said.

Prosecutors said the teen is accused of a carjacking attempt on Fairdale that left a 62-year-old man fighting for his life in a conflict that involved at least one shot being fired.

The victim, Timothy Van Lindert spoke with KENS 5 Wednesday night and said “I heard this shuffling and I turned around to see what it was and I had a gun to my head.”

The incident caused East Terrell Hills Elementary, across the street, to go into a lockdown when the suspect jumped a fence onto school property.

A prosecutor said the teen needs to be locked up.

“Not only was he a runaway when he took the vehicle but he pointed this gun to the victim’s head.”

Family members said the teen has picked the wrong friends and needs to be set right.

The teen’s father told the judge,  “I tried to teach him something.  It goes in one ear and out the other.”

Judge Shaw ordered the teen to be detained, saying he was a danger to the community and was not allowing himself to be adequately supervised.

Like all juveniles, who are not eligible for bail, this teen will return for his next detention hearing in 10 working days. 

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