16-year-old faces upgraded murder charge after teen dies in northeast-side shooting

Family of the victim says he survived 10 days after a gunshot to the head.

SAN ANTONIO — A 16-year-old who has been locked up in connection with a northeast-side shooting was in court Thursday to face a more serious charge.

Because the victim has died, the teen is now looking at a murder charge. He was calm and quiet Thursday, saying nothing, unlike a previous appearance in which court personnel said he acted out.

Representatives from the state said the teen should remain locked up. A Probation Department representative said the teen remains a danger to himself or others. 

“This is a very serious case,” the prosecutor told the judge. “There is an individual who has since passed away. Charges had been filed as an aggravated assault. There is now a murder investigation that is ongoing. A weapon was used in this case. Someone has lost their life and he needs to be detained.” 

Even his defense attorney agreed, saying the teen is probably safer if he remains in custody.

“I am concerned about his safety,” his attorney said. “From what I understand happened, he could be in danger if he’s released.”

Both the mother and defendant remained silent as the teen was ordered detained.

But family members of the victim say they will continue to show up at hearings and speak about a young man who they say was working on his dreams.

Family members said Anthony Simmons Jr. had graduated from Sam Houston High School just 18 days before he was attacked at an apartment complex on Foster Road on June 25, where police found more than 50 shell casings littering the parking lot. 

Ten days later, on July 5, he died in the hospital. One gunshot wound to the head had become too much to overcome.

His mom said he had been working even before graduation and was signed up for classes to get a commercial driver license.

“He made it,” Schinna Johnson said. “He did. He was proud, he was happy. I just don’t understand it.”   

Two adults remain jailed as well. Police said they are still investigating, and for now the two adults remain charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Javion Rangel and Carmelo Converse were arrested the same day the juvenile was, following a standoff with police several miles from the shooting scene.

They remain jailed on bonds of $150,000. If they were to make bail, special conditions have been ordered that include not having any firearms and a no contact order for the victim’s family. There is also a provision for full house arrest with a GPS monitor.

Family members said a witness followed the suspect’s car as they sped away, eventually leading police to a house where they were trying to hide.

The family said they will continue to push for justice.

“He’s not here physically, but I’m being his voice. So I will always be his voice,” Johnson said. 

The teen is scheduled to be back in juvenile court August 8. 

There has been no word yet on whether prosecutors will make a move to certify him to stand trial as an adult.

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