‘Baby Mary’ found in Whataburger toilet, will be given proper burial on Friday, public invited to attend

“I had to take a minute, and just like tears of joy. I just did not want her to be in a pauper’s grave. She didn’t deserve that, after what she’d been through.”

SAN ANTONIO — A baby found in a toilet at a Whataburger in Converse last month, will be laid to rest.

The baby, now named Mary, will have a proper funeral.

We spoke to the woman guiding, Eagle’s Flight, who spoke about her passion to help, these abandoned children.

“It’s not always been easy, but it’s the right thing to do,” Pamela Allen, CEO of Eagle’s Flight Advocacy and Outreach said. 

Allen reflects on the work some say, is a job that no one wants to do, sometimes having to overcome obstacles to give babies a final resting place.

Allen says her passion comes from personal experience with her niece, who had a baby that only lived for a few hours.

“We kissed her goodbye. We told her we loved her, and that she was an amazing little warrior, because she lasted for as long as she did,” Allen said. 

Just 6 weeks later, a baby was found dumped in the trash. “Baby Noel” was the first baby Eagle’s Flight laid to rest – from there Allen’s passion and calling was born.

“We not only bury abandoned babies, we also bury infants and babies, toddlers, and children who have been abandoned and abused,” Allen said. 

According to an affidavit, a doctor says the baby found in the toilet at Whataburger had head injuries, indicating she had been forced into the drain.

Allen says it was not easy taking custody of the deceased baby. Allen says the mother would not allow her to bury the baby, unless she bailed her out of jail, but the mother eventually agreed. Allen recalls the moment she got a call from the Medical Examiner’s Office.

“I had to take a minute, and it was just like tears of joy. I just did not want her to be in a pauper’s grave. She didn’t deserve that, after what she’d been through,” Allen said. 

Allen says Baby Mary’s story includes several issues in the city that still need to be highlighted, including mental health, homelessness, and the Baby Moses Law.

“It’s simple. If you have a child 60 days or less, and you feel like you cannot take care of this child, that you can go and safely surrender that child to a fire station or to a hospital,” Allen said. 

Baby Mary will be the 65th burial for Eagle’s Flight. The funeral arrangements are below. 

WHEN: Friday, January 24, 2025 @ 1 p.m. 

WHERE: Faith Outreach Center International located at 3806 Sunshine Ranch Road, San Antonio, TX 78228.

The burial is open to the public, and Allen says she invites any family to attend. Eagle’s Flight is still accepting donations to help with Baby Mary’s burial.  

If you would like to help you can find the link here. You can also call 210-548-0740 if you would like to contribute.

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