This is the 55th annual Bud Light St. Patrick’s Day Celebration in San Antonio where thousands celebrate on the emerald green Riverwalk.
SAN ANTONIO — St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Monday this year, but San Antonio is getting an early head start for the party this weekend for the 55th Annual Bud Light St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and Parade.
Thousands of visitors are going to be on the San Antonio Riverwalk continuing the tradition of turning the San Antonio River into a bright emerald green.
The river will start turning green at 11 a.m. at Museum Reach to then go down the Riverwalk Downtown at 1 p.m. at Mad Dogs.
Visit San Antonio Director of Riverwalk Operations Rosyln Castenada says to expect some bagpipes, green beer and a new event happening this year.
“We decided to start a new tradition and add a 5K, so 55 and a 5K. We thought it would work,” said Castenada.
The run will start at 11 a.m. at the VFW Post 76.
Other Saturday events include the Riverwalk Royalty Coronation at 5:45 p.m. and a lot of music and dance.
“We have dancing, the Inishfree dancers,” Castenada said. “We have fire on the mountain cloggers. We have different bands playing throughout the weekend. You can see all of that at the Arneson River Theater on Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m.”
Click here for more on additional St. Patrick events happening this weekend.