East Side community basketball league drafting new players for upcoming season

SAN ANTONIO – An East Side nonprofit is hoping to impact the lives of 80 young men this spring.

The San Antonio Rising Stars Community Basketball League tips off in April, but tryouts are on March 23.

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Founder Charles Sattiewhite says the league’s partnership with the San Antonio Spurs, San Antonio YMCA, San Antonio Police Department, and other local nonprofits aims to target men in the East Side community between the ages of 17 and 30.

“We want to reach those young men and show them how to be leaders of our community because maybe they didn’t get the opportunity to do it when they were young,” Sattiewhite said.

The team that won the championship last year got an all-expenses paid trip to New York City.

Kahlil Walton was part of the group and said it was a great experience for him and his team, many of whom had never traveled outside the community.

“The pizza was so good. I can’t wait to go back just for the pizza. I’m not going to lie. And just the time out there with the boys and everything. That was a good time because that was everyone’s first time out there in New York,” Walton said.

Part of the training and coaching included helping them build structure, mentorship and character. Sattiewhite said some men have never had experiences that inspire them to be something greater.

“We’ve got to breathe life into the community,” Sattiewhite said.

Walton said that at first, some team members were not sure the trip to NYC would happen. The championship prize for this next season is a trip to Atlanta. He thinks many more players will be motivated now that they see the league deliver on the promise.

“A couple of my friends from last year have been asking me about the league, trying to get in. They asked me, ‘When is it starting up again?’” Walton said.

Tryouts will be at the Davis Scott YMCA on the East Side on March 23 at 3 p.m. For information, click here.

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