Families of hostages held by Hamas advocate for loved ones’ return to San Antonio

SAN ANTONIO – On Oct. 7, 2023, the terrorist organization Hamas launched attacks across Israel, killing over 1,200 people and taking around 250 hostages.

Dalia Cusnir, her husband, and her children heard the sirens and got to safety within 90 seconds. But her two brothers-in-law were captured and remain hostages in Gaza along with over 100 others.

Now, over 116 days since her loved ones were taken, Cusnir is speaking out along with other families.

“We need people to help us bring them back home,” Cusnir said at a community event on Tuesday at the Barshop Jewish Community Center. “This is a humanitarian issue, not a political conflict.”

Dalia described the trauma her family has endured.

“We saw videos of terrorists entering the kibbutz, taking people from their homes, killing them and burning houses, and taking them to Gaza,” she said.

Her children continue to suffer from nightmares.

Moshe Lavi also attended the event, advocating for the return of his brother-in-law Omri, who was captured by Hamas. More than 100 people gathered to hear these families’ messages, including Raphael Sonsino.

“I have relatives in Israel. We feel a part of it. We have to support them through this terrible experience,” Sonsino said.

Sonsino has worn a dog tag every day since the attacks that says in Hebrew, “Our hearts are captured in Gaza, bring them home now.” He vowed to wear it daily until the hostage situation is resolved and the victims are returned.

Dalia worries that, as time passes, the world will forget about the hostages and their horrible circumstances. She hopes continued advocacy will lead to their safe return home soon.

“October 7th was a long time ago,” she said. “And, unfortunately, with so much news, we’re afraid people will forget them.”

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