SAN ANTONIO – For over 40 years, the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce has organized the annual SA to DC trip, leading a delegation of thousands of local business leaders and elected officials to meet face-to-face with national decision-makers about key San Antonio priorities.
This weekend, Chamber President and CEO Jeff Webster joined Leading SA to discuss the upcoming February 5-8 trip and the major successes it has achieved in past years.
“It started out just advocating for our defense mission here in San Antonio and evolved into other things — education, transportation infrastructure,” Webster said. “It’s turned into an amazing trip that results in actual funding for VIA transit, transportation, our airport and educational research institutions.”
Some key priorities the delegation will focus on this year include infrastructure, aviation, and Port San Antonio. “We’ll be there also advocating for healthcare and education,” Webster noted.
The Chamber partners with other advocacy groups and other chambers. In previous years, the trip has delivered critical funding for local priorities.
“We brought home money for the airport, for VIA multiple years in a row,” Webster said. “Federal funding for our infrastructure, our bridges and roadways … there are some great projects happening on 1604, 281, I-10, and 35.”
With just a few weeks until departure, there is still an opportunity to get involved with this impactful annual effort.
Anyone interested in joining the 2023 SA to DC trip can find more information here.
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