Nonprofits work to get those without a home into a shelter amid freezing temps

SAN ANTONIO – Local nonprofits are hitting the streets to get those experiencing homelessness off the streets on a frigid night.

Corazon Ministries and many others take on the task every time temperatures drop to dangerous levels.

“We have lives out there are struggling with mental health and substance use, no support, no love, and don’t trust nobody,” said Britney Ackerson, Day Center Director at Corazon Ministries

KSAT 12 News tagged along with Corazon and volunteers Monday night. The volunteer’s goal is to get people off the street and into a warm place for the night.

When someone wants to go in, Ackerson and her team communicate with other nonprofits and shelters to find an opening.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who feel more comfortable where they are at. We spoke with one man who didn’t want to leave all his belongings behind and chose to tough it out in the cold.

In situations where people don’t take the ride to a shelter, volunteers provide anything to help them stay warm through the night. Volunteers bring boiling water in a jug to make hot cocoa, coffee, ramen, oatmeal, and easy Mac; blankets, beanies, gloves, socks, and hand warmers are also provided.

Ackerson said they do outreach until about 1 a.m. or later to give anyone who wants to go inside an opportunity to do so.

If you’re interested in donating or volunteering, click here.

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