Rain and storms are not out of the forecast for last week of Fiesta

Let’s hope the rain rock stays strong this week.

SAN ANTONIO — There’s only one week left for Fiesta and unfortunately rain is looking to stay in the forecast into next week. Good news is weather will start off beginning with clouds,  warm, temperatures and humid conditions but as we near the weekend weather changes begin to take place. 

San Antonians can expect high humidity all week and as get closer to Battle of Flowers and Fiesta Flambeau San Antonians will want to pay attention for any major weather updates. 

Here’s what San Antonians can expect:

Wednesday (High 83 and Low 65): Thanks to humidity levels San Antonians can expect some foggy conditions for morning hours. This will keep cloudy skies and warm temperatures in the low 80s.

Thursday (High 86 and Low 68): Breezy conditions all day with wind gusts around 31 mph. These winds  stay all week keeping high humidity levels. Foggy conditions once again start the day with temperatures warming up in the mid 80s.

Battle of Flowers Parade (High 86 and Low 70): Friday will have about a 40% chance of rain beginning in the morning and sticking through the afternoon as upper level systems move near our area. Right now no severe weather is expected. Most of the activity also looks to stay north of San Antonio.

Temperatures Friday still be warm in the mid 80s. Rain stays in the forecast through the weekend as a cold front moves near our area. 

Fiesta Flambeau Parade (High 90 and Low 72):  Saturday San Antonians could get some light rain but the best chance comes late evening and overnight. This means Fiesta Flambeau could be sparred from any heavier storms that might develop but you’ll want to stay weather aware and check back for future updates. 

For those wanting to spend time outside for Fiesta expect the heat with high temperatures near 90 degrees. 

Last day of Fiesta (High 87 and Low 70): Rain chances hang around through Sunday with warm temperatures for the last day of Fiesta. One weather model has showers throughout the day so take an umbrella if you plan to be outdoors. 

Next week rain chances are looking like they will kick up a notch with multiple days of shower and storm activity if the front ends up stalling out. However, we are still a week away so we’ll keep an eye on future developments. 

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