S.A. strikes settlement in long battle with cable company – San Antonio Express-News

The city of San Antonio is poised to receive more than $3 million through a proposed settlement of a long-running court battle with Time Warner Cable.

The settlement requires the approval of City Council, which is slated to vote on it Thursday. The city attorney’s office has recommended council members approve the settlement “to avoid the uncertainties and risks associated with litigation.”

The city sued Time Warner, which Charter Communications acquired in 2016 and now operates under the name Spectrum, in late 2017, alleging the company underpaid various cable franchise fees by more than $6 million.

READ MORE: City sues cable company over allegedly unpaid fees

The two sides had been set to go to trial Feb. 6 in San Antonio federal court. They notified the court Thursday of the tentative agreement.

According to a staff memo to City Council, the cable company will pay specific percentages in franchise and PEG (public, education and government) fees for the next 10 years. The payments have an estimated value of more than $3 million.

The parties have established guidelines for the audit of records going forward, the memo adds.

If the settlement is approved, 83 percent of the additional revenue will go to the city’s general fund. The remaining 17 percent will go into the PEG fund for the operation of a public, educational and governmental television channel.

The city alleged in its original complaint that the company had “under-reported and omitted revenue used to calculate franchise fees. Local governments charge franchise fees for access to municipal rights of way necessary for the deployment of cable system infrastructure.

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A Charter Communications spokesman declined to comment Friday, but the company has previously called the city’s claims “stale and meritless.”

“For well over a decade now, the city and its officials have engaged in an inept, discriminatory and baseless effort to extort additional fees from TWC that ultimately would come from its subscribers who are city taxpayers,” the company said in a 2020 court filing.

The city had sought to collect fees from 2006 until the filing of the lawsuit. The original complaint sought more than $6 million, along with punitive damages, interest, costs and attorneys’ fees.

The city, however, dropped that specific dollar amount in an amended complaint filed in 2018 — saying it sought more than $1 million in allegedly unpaid fees. The city wanted a jury to determine damages.

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In 2020, the city asked for approval to file a second amended complaint, but it appears the request was never taken up by the court.

The two sides previously tried to settle, but notified the court that those efforts failed.

The case was set multiple times, most recently for September before attorneys’ scheduling conflicts pushed it to next month.


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