Texas group Life Corporation, Walter Monk behind fake Biden robocalls

President Joe Biden speaks  in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington D.C. 

President Joe Biden speaks  in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington D.C. 

Evan Vucci/Associated Press

Formella said that he is working with state and federal law enforcement to continue investigating the calls that were made to New Hampshire voters on January 21. Another Texas company, Lingo Telecom, was the voice provider, but stopped giving the services to Life Corporation when the investigation opened. Formella has sent a cease and desist order to both entities. 

“Ensuring public confidence in the electoral process is vital,” Formella said. “AI-generated recordings used to deceive voters have the potential to have devastating effects on the democratic election process.”

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The calls would use AI to imitate Biden and tell voters to “save” their vote. The number appeared to come from the New Hampshire Democratic Party. 

“It’s important that you save your vote for the November election,” the robocall said. “Your vote makes a difference in November, not this Tuesday.”

It’s not immediately clear how Monk was involved. Fort Worth Star-Telegram identified Monk as the 69-year-old founder of a political polling service called PollMakers. A Fort Worth Inc. profile from 2022 said Monk quit studying for his South Dakota State wildlife degree and opened several ventures that he sold or went into bankruptcy before starting Pollmakers.

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As for Life Corporation, a search through Texas’ tax entity database shows the company registered under an Arlington address. There is a Yelp page for Life Corporation, but it isn’t claimed by anyone associated with the business. Reviews on the page were made Wednesday, February 7, saying things like the “company needs to go to prison.”

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