Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales to face Uvalde gun YouTuber in runoff vote

Texas U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales is going to find himself in a runoff election with an unlikely opponent this summer after failing to get enough votes on Tuesday. Gonzales came out of the March 5 primary with 45.08% of the vote, meaning he will be forced into a runoff election on May 28 because he didn’t get 50% plus one or more of the vote.

Gonzales will face off with the person who received the second highest amount of the votes, Brandon Herrera, a YouTube content creator and self proclaimed “Second Amendment activist” who lives in Uvalde County. He has 3.26 million subscribers and his most popular video, with over 10 million views, is one that tests a John F. Kennedy assassination theory from podcast host Joe Rogan.

“Last night, the people of Texas’ 23rd Congressional District sent a message: they’re done with Tony Gonzales and his betrayal of our shared conservative values,” Herrera said in a statement on his campaign website.

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