The fight against wild hogs: Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute visits Guadalupe County to help manage hogs

Texas Parks and Wildlife says El Paso County is the only one in Texas without wild hogs.

GUADALUPE COUNTY, Texas — Wild hogs continue ripping up peoples’ land and yards across Texas.

Ranchers in Guadalupe County say they face this issue constantly so the experts have stepped in.

A handful of landowners gathered at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to hear what they can do to manage these hogs.

“There are millions of dollars of crop losses every year in Guadalupe County due to that,” Travis Franke, extension agent for Guadalupe County said. 

Franke said ranchers and farmers are losing essential crops and with more people moving in, it’s getting even worse.

There’s a $5 bounty for each tail you bring into the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. First you have to catch them.

James Long with the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute says he aims to educate. He said corn is the best thing to lure the pests in.

To get the job done, Long has a product that was just developed in the last year.

“Kaput, which is a toxicant for feral pigs, was approved in the state of Texas,” said Long.

If you need to know your rights when trying to kill the hogs, download the Texas Outdoor Annual App.

“We try to help land owners with resources and technical visits to their site as necessary,” said Long.

If you’d like to find more information, you can visit the website here.

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