‘We’re so proud of y’all’ | Hernandez sisters honored at Roosevelt High School graduation

17-year-old Kaitlin Hernandez was killed in March. For the first time, her family is opening up about her sister’s death.

SAN ANTONIO — Monday night, the family of two sisters who were meant to walk the stage together for their high school graduation sat in the audience as they were honored.

17-year-old Kaitlin Hernandez was killed in March. But for the first time, her family is opening up about her sister’s death. 

18-year-old Kaylee Hernandez died months prior on November 1, 2023.

The two attended Roosevelt High School. In their place, two family members walked on the stage and were holding photos of the girls.

“I just wish they were both here so I could really see them walk the stage,” grandmother Alicia Hernandez said. “That’s what I was waiting for, was for both of them to walk the stage. I’m so proud.”

San Antonio Police said Kaitlin as killed in March by her juvenile neighbor. The family said Kaylee died in November but the circumstances surrounding her death are still unclear. According to the Medical Examiner, her manner of death and cause of death is still pending.

“It’s not fair, they’re not going to be here in person, but I know they’re flying over us right now,” aunt Crystal Barron Rodriguez said.

Hours before the ceremony, the aunt and grandmother met with us as they hung up graduation decorations at the memorial for Kaitlin. It is at the bridge above the ditch where investigators discovered her body.

Kaitlin wanted to become a veterinarian and Kaylee wanted to teach. Even though those dreams were cut short, the family sat in the audience and celebrated what the girls accomplished.

“If you’re listening, which I know you are, we’re so proud of y’all,” Rodriguez said. “For Kaitlin and for you Kaylee, for doing this big accomplishment.”

The juvenile facing the murder charge for Kaitlin’s death remains in custody.

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