Rape kit test results, phone records for Cayley Mandadi and Mark Howerton explored during testimony

Howerton is being tried again in the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Trinity University cheerleader Cayley Mandadi. SAN ANTONIO — Text messages between Cayley Mandadi and Mark Howerton were read aloud to jurors during testimony in Howerton’s murder trial Friday. The text messages show Howerton making suicidal threats towards Mandadi, which scared her to the point … Read more

Substitute teacher arrested for possessing gun in North East ISD classroom, principal says

SAN ANTONIO — A substitute teacher brought a gun into a classroom Friday and was “conducting active shooter training” with students, a North East ISD middle school principal said. According to a letter to parents, a student reported to Wood Middle School administration at about 1 p.m. Friday that the teacher may have a gun. … Read more